When is enough enough? I read yesterday a teen in NJ had been a victom of cyber bullying. The teen, a popular cheerleader in Highschool, and spent time working towards a scholarship to college had her identity stolen on one of the popular social networks. Some one built a profile nothing like the teen's, and used it to follow and harrass her and friends. This harrassment of the teen went on for three years. The parents of the teen work very hard pleading with the internet providers, police and school officials. There where some sucess in the bullying but it was short lived. The harrasser continued to send profanity, and other threatening messages to her friends and some people she did not even know. It was so bad that one of the people who received a threat came to school and attacked the teen, striking her in the face. If you tried everything, what is there left to do about these cyber bullys?